Voici une vidéo qui est en train de faire le tour de la toile chez les photographes. Normal, dès qu’il s’agit de comparer Nikon ou Canon, il y a du monde. Cette vidéo a été diffusée par JoeyL, un photographe professionnel qui ne manque pas d’humour.
Nikon Girl (et pourquoi pas Canon Boy), de Photo Club, est une histoire d’amour entre un photographe équipé du 1DS mark III de Canon et une photographe possédant un Nikon D200.
C’est bien trouvé, et cette vidéo nous rappelle un certaine vidéo d’un rap Mac or PC.
Voici les paroles :
This is a story from not long ago
about a boy and a girl who fell in love like whoa
but there was a problem I didn’t count on
the fact I was a Canon and she was a Nikon
The photo community was too far gone
they couldnt appreciate what we had goin’ on
we had similar features, made similar pictures
we really weren’t that different but they still couldn’t see
I auto focused on her sexy body
buttons to push didn’t know where to get started
I never thought I’d fall for a D200
but she was so hot, she was all that I wanted
felt more complete
when we were together she said my shots were so unique
But soon you’ll see
we could never be
like Romeo and Juliette
our families disagreed
Ohh Ahh Polish my lens girl
oooahh polish my lens girl
ohh-ahh polish my lens girl
dont leave a thumb print on that lense girl
The two sides always at war
all across the message boards
Dpchallenge what the fuck yo
they could never let go
of the hate no thats for ‘sho
the Nikon gang whooped my ass and made me go
The 70-200 in my pants wouldnt fit inside her Nikon body
made me wear a UV-filter, which I’m against, but shes my shawtay
Mount her on my tripod and screw her on and off and on again
make her take my picture and say I’m the best thats ever been
Cause I’m a Canon gangsta and your a Nikon shawtay
I wanna take a picture of that rockin bootay
We couldnt keep the act up we just had to face the facts
but hey look on the bright side at least we’re not a Pentax

PS : la vidéo est-elle filmée avec un boîtier Canon ou Nikon ?