New York le 11 septembre 2001 vu par les photographes de l’agence Magnum

Le 11 septembre 2001, deux avions percutent les tours du World Trade Center, le mythique centre d’affaires new-yorkais. 15 ans plus tard, la mémoire de cet événément marquant du XXIe siècle est toujours vive, notamment en raison / grâce aux photos réalisées ce jour là.

USA. New York City. September 11, 2001. Pedestrians on Church Street run from falling debris as Tower 2, the South Tower, of the World Trade Center collapses at 9:55 a.m. Tower 1, the North Tower, still standing here, collapsed at 10:29 a.m. Seven World Trade Center, the 47-story building seen immediately in front of Tower 1, collapsed at 5:25 p.m. – photo by Susan Meiselas
USA. New York City. September 11, 2001. Pedestrians on Church Street run from falling debris as Tower 2, the South Tower, of the World Trade Center collapses at 9:55 a.m. Tower 1, the North Tower, still standing here, collapsed at 10:29 a.m. Seven World Trade Center, the 47-story building seen immediately in front of Tower 1, collapsed at 5:25 p.m. – photo de Susan Meiselas
USA. NYC. September 11th, 2001. The south gate house of the World Financial Center after the collapse of the World Trade Center. – photo by Steve McCurry
USA. NYC. September 11th, 2001. The south gate house of the World Financial Center after the collapse of the World Trade Center. – photo de Steve McCurry
Sur place ce jour-là, plusieurs photographes de l’agence Magnum – Alex Webb, David Alan Harvey, Susan Meiselas, Gilles Peress, Thomas Hoepker, Larry Towell et Steve McCurry – photographient l’événement et les conséquences de cet attentat.

USA. New York City. September 11, 2001. Abandoned telephones in the Financial District. – photo by Alex Webb
USA. New York City. September 11, 2001. Abandoned telephones in the Financial District. – photo de Alex Webb
USA. NYC. 9/11/2001. A dazed man picks up a paper that was blown out of the towers after the attack of the World Trade Center, and begins to read it. – photo by Larry Towell
USA. NYC. 9/11/2001. A dazed man picks up a paper that was blown out of the towers after the attack of the World Trade Center, and begins to read it. – photo de Larry Towell
Retrouvez 30 photos iconiques prises ce jour-là sur le site de SeeCity.

Photo de couverture : USA. Brooklyn, New York. September 11, 2001. Young people relax during their lunch break along the East River while a huge plume of smoke rises from Lower Manhattan after the attack on the World Trade Center. – photo de Thomas Hoepker

Crédit photo : Magnum Photos